
Monday, May 21, 2018


I've been working on a USA kit to share. I think I got carried away, really enjoyed making these.
I hope you enjoy them as well.


I have also uploaded to Flickr, you can download there instead if you want.

I really hate that politics are 

invading every aspect of our life, but our nation is so divided these 

days. I wanted to make something positive for all the millions of people 

who love America and are tired of all the BS we are subjected to all the 

time. The news media promotes division every day, and  many people don't 

do the research to find out the actual truth. All the news media care 

about is ratings and money, and hate drives the ratings up. The press 

reports on our current president have been more than 90% negative for the 

past 2 years. When there is something positive to report, it gets very 

little or no air time. The media distorts things the president says, (like 

the recent "animals" remarks) to cast him in a bad light.

So many democrats have lost their collective minds that 

they now show support for MS-13, just because Donald Trump said something against 


I wasn't for Donald Trump during the primary election. When I saw news 

media outlets bash him and his supporters, I started doing my own 

research. I liked what I found. The more I listened to his speeches, the 

more I liked his policies.

I get that some people are upset that he won the election, nobody likes to 

lose; However, millions of Americans felt that Christmas had come early 

when he won. I was one of those, and Christmas is still coming, with tax 

cuts and the repeal of the Obamacare individual mandate. The economy is 

up, jobs are up. The President wants to protect our borders (which is the 

main job of federal government). President Trump has also reached out to 

Democrats, giving them more on DACA than they asked for, but Democrats 

won't get on board with that, since they want open borders (which is THEIR 

JOB TO PROTECT!)!  I don't see how anyone can be against protecting our borders. We 

lock our doors to our homes for a reason. We like to control who comes in 

our homes. 

I guess common sense isn't so common after all.


  1. Beautiful! Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you for the lovely set and the lovely words!

  3. Thank you so much! I love this kit, Happy 4th of July!

  4. Love Love Love your USA patriotic creations. thank you so much

  5. Thank you so much for the patriotic kit! Love it and your words!!

  6. Wow it is so nice to know not everyone has lost their common sense. Thank you for your words and your kits!

  7. Thank you so much for your wonderful patriotic kit. I am glad you had the courage to speak up. I agree with you on common sense there is very little today. It is the first time that I can remember the immediate hatred the minute the election was over. I am not going to address what the President has done right or wrong but I will say that the the very people who have shown such disrespect for the "Presidency itself" are the same ones that whine about 'tolerance, getting along, etc" issues. They are teaching their children to be selfish, to feel entitled without doing anything to earn those benefits,to demonstrate poor sportsmanship when they don't win (like in the election) or get their way and refuse to take responsibility when their morals run amuck.There is nothing wrong with this country, whats wrong is the people who refuse to work with others who have different opinions to make things better for ALL Americans not just their party. I have nothing against people coming to this country in an honest and legal manner. It is surely offensive to those who waited years and followed the rules to be granted the right to come here, who when they arrived worked so hard to survive and thrive and did not ask for let alone demand handouts. Many of them also came here with nothing but wanted to become a good citizen and did and I am proud to know them. All I ask is to follow the law like I am expected to do, it's really that simple and yes I knew what it was like to be in fear and to be very hungry, to feel hopelessness and despair, and no medical care but by the grace of God I am surviving in this mad house of a world. If we don't protect our country we will lose it and the way things are going not a single bullet will be shot when it is taken over. May God help us all.

  8. Arlene, thank you so much for the gorgeous kit, I am not American but I love your country and I wish for its kids were born in America and are proud to be citizens of such a great country. I came to Canada legally and became a citizen a few years ago and I appreciate and totally agree with your words and unruly's words also, I wish common sense would be more common as well. I just came back from vacation in Brazil (my home country) and the media there is also ridiculously biased, I would say it's much worse than here in Canada and I was shocked to see how the people that I have known my whole life believe in it so blindly. All of this P.C. and SJW standards already ruined most things I love since childhood, Star Wars being one of them. Like unruly said above: May God help us all.
